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8 April 2010

SoVibrant takes a trip to the top of the world.

On the 5th of March, Adam Lay, the latest addition to the SoVibrant Media Department trekked to the highest camp on earth in aid of Alzheimers.

Over three weeks Adam climbed to Everest Base Camp (5364m) via the more remote, more strenuous Gokyo Valley, known to the local Sherpa's as Death Valley. The team of 16 Brits, 5 Sherpas and 8 Porters didn't stay as a group for long. A week in 3 Brits and 1 Sherpa became struck down with severe Pulmonary Edema (water on the brain and lungs), giving them no option other than to be choppered off before becoming a fatality. Adam had some troubles himself past 4700m and spent 2 days in Gokyo Medic Station with Cerebral Edema (water on the brain), however 2 days sleep and 30 Ibuprophen later he was ready for the next stage!

As day 10 approached they reached the hellish Cho-la Pass (5500m). This was an expedition in itself; a 3:00am wake up call, -27 degrees C and a headache which could challenge the worlds worst hangover.

All in all the whole expereience was more than Adam ever expected. Everest itself is a thing of beauty. The view was well worth the pain and the locals are brilliant.

So......... Do we think we will see the SoVibrant flag on the summit one day?

You'll have to keep your eye on the blog to find out.

And yes that is SoVibrant written on the snow of Everest. Awesome!


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