John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

10 May 2012

Marvel's - The Avengers Assemble

Hi everyone,

Hot off the SoVibrant press! The Avengers is an amazing movie that everyone should go see!

Last night, a group of us SoVibranteers went to see this brilliant new movie.

We were a little apprehensive beforehand as there has been so much hype built up around the film and we didn't want to be disappointed. Fortunately it stood up to all of the hype and was as good, if not better, than we expected.

Below are a couple of quotes from the guys here at SoVibrant who saw it last night.

Mo Akhtar
"Absolutely amazing and stands up to all of the hype. The Incredible Hulk was an amazing character, I can't wait for the sequel!"

Adam Lay

"The hulk is by far the best character, smashing everything he gets his hands on. He is closely followed by Tony Stark for his comedy one liners. However, most of this can be outshone by the female roles where Scarlet Johansson, Gwyneth Paltro and Cobie Smulders pull off some amazing outfits!"

Peter Pringle
"Great fun! Comics aren’t really my thing but loved this film from start to finish (especially Scarlet Johansson)"

3D & Media

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