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12 December 2012

Here's to 2012

Good afternoon readers. 

Today Google released it's listings for the top searches of 2012. Mayan prophecy suggests the world may be coming to an end at the end of this year however looking back, if in the highly unlikely event that we are all going to die, at least we can safely say we ended the human race on a high.

2012 has been one of the most memorable years for a very long time. The year has been filled with remarkable examples of  human endeavour, exploration, bravery, discovery, endurance and performance.

Thanks to the world dominating algorithms of Google and the power of social technologies such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter we have been able, more than any other time in history to  watch, read and listen and be involved every step of the way.

Rather than listing out every amazing event of 2012 please enjoy the following video from Google -  a whistle stop tour of this amazing and magical  year of achievement.

Sit back, enjoy and let's look forward to an incredible 2013... If we are still here. ;-)

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