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22 December 2011

357 and counting

Following on from our blog about the new Apple store at Grand Central Terminal, I found this link with all the previous 356 stores.
Thomas Park has compiled a gallery of all 357 of Apple’s stores from all over the world. 
He has compiled the images directly from Apple’s own website and include information about where the store falls among the 357, where it is located and when it was opened.

Park’s initiative was sparked by the desire to detect the evolution in Apple’s strategy of storefront design.
The stores have a simple, crisp and sleek design that aim to mirror the products they sell and give off the same feeling of reliable design.

For me the concept has hardly changed in 10 years, with only the decision to lose the black shopfront cladding used on some earlier stores, and stick with the silver panels from then on.

My 2 favourites are the well known Apple glass cube in New York and a similar approach in Shanghi China, only this time with a glass tube leading to the glass spiral staircase.
Take a look at the link to see all 357 stores in their minimalistic glory.


Architecture - Interior Design


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