John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

11 March 2010


Starting today we will are beginning our "3D Visualisation of the week" posts. A new visual will be posted every Thursday so please keep checking back!

Each week we will be posting a 3D visual from a variety of sources such as online forums, web searches & images we come across during our working day. These images will be chosen for a variety of reason from visual appeal to technical execution.

Each week please feel free to share any comments or ideas on each visual. We would like to hear from you with regards to anything technical, non-technical or just a simple "It's great, I like it". Please share any practical ideas on how you think the images have been created or share any tips and techniques on achieving similar results!

Image of the week this week :

I have chosen this image by Virtuagi because of the mood they have managed to achieve with the lighting. The image is very soft and visually appealing while still maintaining a high level of detail
All images will be copyright their respective owners/creators and we reserve no rights over any of them.

3D Visualisation

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