John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

22 March 2010

Blu Bar, Manchester. An infusion of light!

After a recent trip to Manchester’s Blu Bar, I feel it’s an interior space worth Blogging!

At night Blu shows off its variety of lighting which creates different ambiances throughout, one of my main fascinations of this place. The red colour lighting (which is used more than any other) gives the space it’s unique and charismatic look, the feature of Blu that lures people in from the street and is like no other. The restaurant is home to lots of different colour pendant lighting  that creates a calmer range of light and likely to be used more in the day during service.

The existing brick internal walls, dark stone bar and glass around the existing pillars all work in a harmonious and beautiful partnership together. It is evident that there were many aspects of this building that had to be kept therefore meaning any design had to work around this. Each area of the space has a small element of careful design, whether it be a slight change in floor level or finish or a range of light fittings and coloured light, everything will completely captivate you throughout the whole time you’re there.

A place definitely worth a visit!

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