John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

5 July 2013

Alberto trujillo - A visual for his son's birthday

Hello readers,

I have often spoken about the motivations behind producing a piece of digital art and posed the question of what drives you at the very start of a project. Working for a company that prides itself on the strength of narrative within its designs, understanding the importance of conceptual thinking is one of the areas I have really been pushing myself to develop.  I have really learned that it is essential to always try to have this deeper meaning behind my creations in order to drive my concepts to become truly original.

Today I bring you a piece of artwork I found on 3dtotal by a digital artist Alberto Trujillo. This visual was created for his son's birthday. His son was too young to appreciate the effort, complexity and energy that went into creating this piece at the time but hopes that it will be appreciated one day! 

The motivation that Albert Trujillo used to fuel this piece came from dreams of waking up in his bedroom as a child and seeing that it had miraculously come to life. I feel he has really captured this child-like wonder and emotion in the image he has produced.  The assets that have been modeled were selected specifically to capture and portray the excitement and wonder of a child's imagination. 

The models in this scene were created using various different software, with the majority of  them being created using Zbrush. This included the trees, characters and a lot of the scene assets. The final composition was compiled in Nuke.

Albert Trujillo really managed to make this scene feel magical. Particularly through the use of lighting and depth. The artist creates an empathy within the image by showing the child being surrounded by his favorite toys which are presented as his friends. I think most of us would be able to relate to this, as we all found friendship in our favorite toys growing up.

Visuals like this reveal more and more details the longer you look at them, highlighting the thought and craft that went into developing them. This is a signature of lot of Alberto Trujillo's work.

The most impressive part of this scene has to be the incredibly detailed model of the child, especially the expression that has been captured on his face. Personally I think this feeling of enchantment epitomises what this visual is all about, and demonstrates the refined talent Trujillo has.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this image.

Ryan Blackburn - Media Productions

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