John Lewis - The Bear and Hare - 2013 Seasonal CGI Amazing coloured pencil drawings Tokyo City Symphony Luis Nieves - Baywood Red Light

26 August 2010

Armani on 5th!

When thinking of any Armani product it is inevitable that the vast majority would think of an extravagant and luxury surrounding to accommodate the brand, and the 5th Avenue New York store certainly does that!

5th is home to Armani’s flagship store with the grand staircase as the exciting focal point, a sculptural feature unique in design which connects all the different levels that accommodate the “Armani universe”. Innovative in both layout and content, Armani is the first concept store in which all the Armani products are presented in a single space.

Every element of the interior design, from the exhibitors to the rooms to display clothes and the desks to the armchairs, follows the movement concept generated by the staircase, becoming part of the same whirlwind experience and working successfully with the natural buzz of NYC!

Interior Design

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