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9 June 2011

Google Doodle interactive guitar home page!

Hi Guys,

How good is Google’s doodle home page today? They have provided us with a playable and also recordable guitar to honour the pioneer of the electric guitar Les Paul for what would be his 96th birthday. Nice work!

Using a combination of JavaScript, HMTL5, CSS and Flash they have created a highly interactive home page, so whilst searching the web today you can also unleash the musician inside you. Hover over the strings with your mouse and you can strum away. You can also play notes on your keyboard, compose your own 30 second tribute and send it to others, so they can listen to your masterpiece.

Well done to Google for letting Les Paul’s creative spirit spread throughout the world today. Definitely up there for best Google doodle ever. Check it out, we only have this bad boy for 24 hours.

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